API Reference

This endpoint can be used to return a list of available custom and stock voices.


idType: string

The unique identifier for the voice.
nameType: string

Name of the stock or custom voice. If this is a custom voice, it will be the name you assigned to your digital actor at the time of purchase.
genderType: string

The gender associated with the voice (male, female or unspecified).
thumbnailImagePathType: string

A URL to a thumbnail (PNG) of the individual associated with the voice.
voiceTypeType: string

The style of the voice (Conversational, Narration, Promotional, or Character)
customType: boolean

Describes whether the voice is a Pipio stock voice or a custom voice specific to your account

Default: false.
previewAudioPathType: string

A URL to a preview audio file (MPGA) of the voice.
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